NSW schools offer special religious education and special education in ethics. Approved providers deliver these, where available.
At Londonderry Public School, SRE is delivered in Week 8 of each Term from 9am – 10am for K-6 students.
On enrolment parents/carers will be given the SRE participation letter to complete and return. After the initial enrolment, notification of changes to a child's enrolment in SRE should be given to the office in writing.
The following SRE classes are offered at Londonderry Public School:
Catholic SRE is provided by the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta. For more information about Catholic Diocese of Parramatta SRE, including the authorised curriculum scope and sequence, please visit https://parracatholic.org/
Anglican SRE is provided by the Anglican Diocese of Sydney. For more information about Anglican Diocese of Sydney SRE, including the authorised curriculum scope and sequence, please visit https://sydneyanglicans.net/news
The SRE curriculum used in this school is produced by Christian Education Publications and is approved by each SRE provider. The curriculum explores the good news about Jesus Christ found in the Bible and the depth of God’s love for people. Each lesson has been developed to be taught in an age-appropriate manner. Lessons include activities which make the lessons fun and inclusive for children and young people, and also give them the opportunity to critically explore and deepen their faith, pray, and reflect.
Write to the school if you wish to withdraw your child from special religious education, sometimes known as scripture.