Londonderry Public School

Educational excellence in a unique, caring environment

Telephone02 4578 1900

The Facts About Bullying

The PBL team at Londonderry Public School are working together with staff, students and families to recognise, challenge and address issues that arise within the school.

What is Bullying?

Bullying is repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological behaviour that is harmful and involves the misuse of power by an individual or group towards one or more persons.

Cyberbullying refers to bullying that is carried out through information and communication technologies.

It is essential that all schools promote and provide a supportive learning community where all students feel and are safe. Students have a fundamental right to learn in a safe, supportive environment and to be treated with respect. Similarly, parents and other local community members have the right to feel safe, supported and respected in the school content.

Behaviours that do not constitute bullying include:

  • mutual arguments and disagreements (where there is no power imbalance)
  • not liking someone or a single act of social rejection
  • one-off acts of meanness or spite
  • isolated incidents of aggression, intimidation or violence.


Research, both in Australia and overseas, has identified the following features as likely to be the most effective in preventing and reducing bullying:

  • A universal whole-school approach of long duration that takes a multi-faceted approach rather than focusing on one single component.
  • An increased awareness of bullying in the school community through assemblies, focus days and student-owned plans and activities.
  • A whole-school detailed policy that addresses bullying.
  • Effective classroom management and classroom rules.
  • The promotion of a positive school environment that provides safety, security and support for students and promotes positive relationships and student wellbeing.
  • Effective methods of behaviour management that are consistently used, are non-hostile and non-punitive.
  • Encouragement and skill development for all students (and especially bystanders) to respond negatively to bullying behaviour and support students who are bullied.


What are We Doing at Londonderry Public School to Adress Bullying?

Anti-Bullying lessons will be implemented in Term 1 of 2014 (every classroom)

Anti-Bullying (including Cyber Safety) student workshop/performance booked in Term 1

National Day Against Bullying & Violence (which will incorporate Harmony Day)  organised for Term 1

A consistent whole school approach to address bullying and cyber bullying


Bullying No Way Website

Some Useful Information for students and parents - click on the links provided for more information


Please do not hesitate to speak with your child's teacher or one of the staff members at Londonderry Public School if  you require further information. 


The PBL Team

Updated 22nd January 2014