Londonderry Public School

Educational excellence in a unique, caring environment

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LPS Homework Policy

Londonderry Public School Homework Policy


Parents and teachers agree that the completion of homework is a vital and integral part of school


It is the policy of this school that homework is set in all classes Years K – 6.


· To consolidate, extend and enrich individual class programs

· To provide basis for the development of positive home-study skills.

· To develop school-home relationships.

· To encourage a spirit of co-operation and understanding between home and school.

· To develop a sense of responsibility, e.g. looking after and remembering own book.


For homework to be effective, it is essential that:

a) Parents be involved, providing time, suitable space, supervision and support,

b) Teachers follow up, encourage and commend good homework,

c) Children adopt a positive attitude in the establishment of regular completion of homework,

being responsible for taking it to and from school; and

d) It's a purposeful learning experience, seen as a creative exercise which develops interest,

knowledge and skills.

Homework should not replace class learning nor should it be used as a disciplinary measure.

Children who fail to complete set homework will not receive any form of punishment but may be

asked to spend 20 minutes during a lunch break (at teacher's discretion). In cases of continuous

failure to complete set homework, (3 times per term) parents are to be informed. Teachers are

to retain records of children not completing set homework, which will be recorded on report



Homework is to be set on the basis of the following average times, four (4) nights per week. It is

not to be set for completion over a weekend, (i.e. set Friday, due Monday) unless requested by

a parent.

Kindergarten – Year 2 10 to 15 minutes (including reading or being read to)

Year 3 10 to 15 minutes

Year 4 15 to 20 minutes

Year 5 20 to 25 minutes

Year 6 25 to 30 minutes

In addition to set homework, students are strongly encouraged to read daily or be read to daily.

Individual teachers will select content and method of completion according to their class' needs.

This policy will be explained to pupils and parents.



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